Ghost 1.0 Released

It's here! Ghost Publishing Platform Version 1.0.

On 27 July, 2017, John O'Nolan announced the release of Ghost Version 1.0.

For those of you who haven't heard of Ghost, it is a Content Management System designed to make a pleasing interface for writing.

It is open source, with a hosted, pro version available for a slight premium. It is $20 per month for the hosted version, with much of the cost (I'm guessing about half) going toward Ghost's Sustainable Open Source model of hiring core, paid developers.

When I was starting this blog, I searched for WordPress alternatives, and Ghost was high on the list of findings.

I self-host this Ghost powered blog, using The-Shell theme on an Ubuntu server running on Digital Ocean. I do this because I like to maintain my own server, and it gives me more stuff to write about, like upgrading my Ghost server to Version 1.0!

If you don't want to maintain your own stuff, hosted Ghost is a decent, if somewhat pricey way to have your blog up and running quickly.

I'll have some upcoming posts on all the cool new features and on how my upgrade goes. Stay tuned!